The new theory

The new theory

The First Unified Theory

       On these pages you’ll find 3 different presentations of the new theory: Theory short, Theory 1000 words, and Article.

Theory short is a brief summary that covers why we need a new theory, what it looks like, and how, when using science’s own yardstick, it’s better than the old. And a little about why it makes a big difference in your life. 

Theory 1000 words is a slightly expanded, but still condensed presentation. It presents the characteristic traits of The First Unified Theory and gives an elementary comparison of the new theory vs. the old. It doesn't provide enough information for you to be able to weigh the new theory against the old yourself. Nor does it include background for the experiments.

Article is a more comprehensive presentation. It outlines the problems with the old theory, includes the characteristic traits of the new, and presents a number of the problems it solves. The article contains sufficient insight into scientific method to equip anyone who wishes it, to be able to weigh the new theory against the old on their own. You’ll also find useful information about how you can perform Experiments 1 and 2 yourself (the experiments that result in flashes of extreme Joy and ultimate JOY). It does not include the details necessary for attempting Experiment 3 (a perpetual increase in joy).

The book The Third Experiment presents The First Unified Theory in sufficient detail to complement the verification. Emphasis is placed on clarifying the interactions that are decisive for developing Experiment 3; a description outlining how we can achieve a gradual perpetual increase in the amount and quality of happiness and fulfillment in our lives. The book will be made available on the web as soon as it is ready.